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From YouTube: Node.JS and Containers Go Together Like Peanut Butter and Jelly - Ross Kukulinski, NodeSource


Node.JS and Containers Go Together Like Peanut Butter and Jelly - Ross Kukulinski, NodeSource

"A recent Node.js Foundation survey found that 45% of developers surveyed use Node.js with containers. As companies look to build out their microservice architectures, Node.js is emerging as a major component for powering Internet-scale computing.
Additionally, JavaScript, including Node.js and frameworks such as React, are becoming the de facto choice for IoT developers working in connected, device-driven environments, according to the recent survey.

However, these environments are challenging, for even for the most experienced developers out there. In this presentation, Ross Kukulinski, a NodeJS Evangelist and container enthusiast, will discuss why Node.js has become a popular choice in microservices-oriented, containerized dynamic environments. He will discuss how to get started with Node.js, Docker and Kubernetes and what pitfalls often occur when starting and how to avoid them."