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From YouTube: A Robust, Modular UI Automation Framework with WebdriverIO - Olga Smolyar, InterSystems


A Robust, Modular UI Automation Framework with WebdriverIO - Olga Smolyar, InterSystems

Including automated UI testing as part of a DevOps pipeline has become an industry-standard practice. A variety of tools are available, both open-source and commercial, that provide APIs for simulating user interaction with a web interface. WebdriverIO has emerged as the leading javascript-based platform for functional and UI testing, providing an array of protocols, services, and BDD/TDD frameworks.
Historically, UI automation has been a brittle undertaking, requiring considerable effort to safeguard test suites against flakiness and unreliable results. WebdriverIO addresses some of the inherent instability intrinsically.
Harnessing the full power of any UI automation tool requires the use of strategies to build a robust framework on top of the interaction layer provided by its APIs. We discuss here some of these strategies in the context of a modular, flexible and robust functional testing framework built with WebdriverIO and Cucumber.

Join the speaker for live Q&A on Slack, channel - #openjs_world-automation_ci_cd
Thursday, June 3 from 12:40 - 13:00 PDT / 21:40 - 22:00 CEST
Thursday, June 3 from 13:00 - 13:20 PDT / 22:00 - 22:20 CEST