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From YouTube: Keynote: Breaking Transmission Chains with JavaScript - Cian Ó Maidín, President & Founder, Nearform


Keynote: Breaking Transmission Chains with JavaScript - Cian Ó Maidín, President and Founder, Nearform

One of the greatest responses to COVID-19 has been technological. The brightest minds in the technology industry came together to create a new system to digitally track the virus at a scale, while respecting people’s privacy.

In 2020, NearForm developed what is now the most widely adopted COVID-19 Exposure Notification app in the world. Over five months, the team deployed and scaled their digital contact tracing solution for nine governments.

In this talk, Cian will share the challenges of building an app for all, the importance of getting it right from the start, while working to tight deadlines against an ever evolving pandemic. Cian will discuss how NearForm used an open source approach to public health to help break chains of transmission and save lives using JavaScript.