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From YouTube: Ask an OpenShift Admin (Ep 28): CoreOS


This episode we welcome Mark Russell, product manager for Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS, to talk about why and how RHCOS is different, along with discussing some configuration options for manageability, performance, and resiliency.

Once an application is deployed, we don’t think about the operating system much - unless it breaks. This is even more true for containerized applications, whether they’re deployed to a single host using Podman or across a Kubernetes cluster. But even though the operating system is mostly ignored by the application team, it plays an important role for administrators and can dramatically affect our experience.

OpenShift 4 introduced a significant shift in how Red Hat deploys and manages the operating system underpinning everything else in OpenShift, changing from Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and sometimes RHEL Atomic, to Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS.

So join us as we talk with Mark about OpenShift and why CoreOS is different from other Linux distributions. If you have questions, be sure to leave a comment or add them to the chat!

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