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From YouTube: OpenShift Commons Briefing #73: Securing Applications on OpenShift and Kubernetes with Aqua


Even in Containers, application security still matters. Running applications in containers means that many processes need to change. And security is no exception. Beyond the security and configuration of the container platform, there are implications to security of the application development, the way it runs, and how it is protected in production.

The very first line in a Docker file: FROM, is where security begins. The choice of the base image, the prerequisite components and the configuration of the image – all impact the security of the eventual container.

Security considerations are necessary when images are pulled and used. Are the images certified to run? Do they pass the risk criteria of the organization? A containerized environment still requires the demonstration of control, for compliance reasons and for the overall security of the application.

And as containers run, there are requirements to monitor their behavior, prevent modifications and protect them from unauthorized actions.

In this session, Aqua’s Tsvi Korren gives an overview of Aqua’s framework for effective application security in a containerized environment. It begins in the development process, progresses as images are built, continues through assurance of image authorization, and protects all running containers.