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From YouTube: OpenShift Commons Briefing #74: Deploying Multi-Container Applications with Ansible Service Broker


Deploying Multi-Container Applications on OpenShift with the Ansible Service Broker

The Kubernetes Service Catalog and Open Service Broker API are creating a new way for users to provision and manage services on OpenShift through a collection of Service Brokers. One of these brokers, the Ansible Service Broker, is focused on providing a mechanism for allowing applications defined with Ansible to be exposed to the Service Catalog. We call this application definition an Ansible Playbook Bundle (APB); a lightweight definition that is essentially a few Ansible playbooks named for each of the Open Service Broker API methods. The bundle is packaged as a container image with an Ansible runtime for distribution to be consumed by the Ansible Service Broker.

In this talk we will introduce the concept of the Ansible Playbook Bundle and Ansible Service Broker. Additionally, we will walk through a few use cases demonstrating how to define and deploy multi-container applications.

Todd Sanders – Director, Software Engineering
John Matthews – Principal Software Engineer