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From YouTube: OpenShift Commons Briefing #111: JupyterHub on OpenShift with Graham Dumpleton


In this session, Red Hat’s Graham Dumpleton discusses how to deploy JupyterHub on OpenShift and walks through the basics of Jupyter Notebook via JupyterHub.

With JupyterHub you can create a multi-user Hub which spawns, manages, and proxies multiple instances of the single-user Jupyter notebook (IPython notebook) server. The Jupyter notebook extends the console-based approach to interactive computing in a qualitatively new direction, providing a web-based application suitable for capturing the whole computation process: Developing, documenting, and executing code, as well as communicating the results. Jupyter community created JupyterHub to support many users. The Hub can offer notebook servers to a class of students, a corporate data science workgroup, scientific or machine learning research projects, or a high-performance computing group.