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From YouTube: OpenShift Commons Briefing #110: Containerizing TensorFlow applications on OpenShift


Red Hat’s Subin Modeel talks about how we can use OpenShift for Tensorflow application development.

The presentation will cover the following:
* How to build tensorflow binaries with S2I (Source-to-Image) feature on OpenShift.
* How to create custom docker images for Tensorflow for running on GPU with OpenShift.
* Using Jupyter notebook/jupyterab to write tensorflow code, to serialize models to TensorFlow’s SavedModel format and to use Openshift Source-to-image for creating models.
* How to deploy the model as an API endpoint which can be consumed by applications.

Subin will also be demoing some fun applications on OpenShift that leverage the technology:
* MNIST handwritten digit recognition app on OpenShift for CPU & GPU
* Inception app – CPU only
* Neural style transfer app on OpenShift for CPU/GPU