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From YouTube: Stated Meeting of Philadelphia City Council 6-20-2019


The Stated Meeting of Philadelphia City Council held Thursday, June 20, 2019:

Today's invocation will be given by Bishop Garvin Floyd, of the Fellowship of Love Church of God, guest of Councilmember Cindy Bass (8th District)

Councilmember Allan Domb (At Large) led a presentation honoring and congratulating Dave Davies on his retirement from the WHYY News desk and recognizing his excellence in journalism.

Read the resolution:

Councilmember Al Taubenberger (At Large) led a presentation honoring veteran Jim Donnelly for his service.

Bills and resolutions on Second Reading and Final Passage: 170408, 180409, 180669, 190027, 190566, 190567, 190568, 190569, 190571, 190572, 190573, 190574, 190575, 190576, 190577, 190579, 190580, 190584, 190099-AA, 190457-A, 190458-A, 190462-A, 190467-A, 190444-A, 160720, 170675, 180457, 160026, 180729, 170517, 180936, 190181, 190232, 190250, 190253, 190254, 190256, 190305, 190306, 190311, 190312, 190313, 190356, 190359, 190360, 190361, 190362, 190380, 190407, 190408, 190409, 190415, 190435, 190437, 190443, 190447, 190448, 190229, 190358, 190383, 190384, 190385, 190412, 190431, 190432, 190433, 190439, 190440, 190441, 190442, 181006, 190455, 190461, 190378.