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From YouTube: Stated Meeting of Philadelphia City Council 06-15-2023


Bill number 230302 entitled an audience to approve a major Amendment to the Saint Joseph's University master plan related to a proposed residence hall and student center and the addition of six existing buildings to the master plan and to amend the Philadelphia's only maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land all in the area bounded by City, Avenue, 52nd, Street, Woodbine, Avenue, Winfield, Avenue, Overbrook, Avenue, Upland, Way and Drexel Road and Bill number 220576 inside of the north, an ordinance authorizing Howard Foreman to install own and maintain various encroachments, including, but unlimited to a proposed fence and other structures at 1338-44, Rising, Sun, Avenue number 23049 authorizing the construction, installation, ownership, use and maintenance of a Sidewalk Cafe at 425 through 449 Spring, Garden Street and ball number two: three: zero one: two: nine entitled an audience authorizing the paving of Boston place from 10th Street to 11th, Street and Bill number two: three: zero one: five one entitled an ordinance establishing a no truck parking regulation on both sides of Port Royal Avenue between Henry Avenue and Old, Line, Road and Bill number two: three: zero one: eight five and taught an anointing submitting section 12 919 of the Philadelphia code entitled on street parking of boats, motorhomes truck campers and vending cards by providing for further regulation of semi-trailer and truck tractor parking and Bill number 230187 and started an ordinance establishing a no truck parking regulation on both sides of Conshohocken Avenue between Belmont Avenue and City.


An ordinance is amending the Philadelphia code by adding a new section prohibiting the parking or maintaining of semi-trailers and truck tractors and Residential Properties and Bill number two: three zero: two four: eight and touted an ordinance establishing Park and regulations in the vicinity of Arlington Street and Ringgold Street Wellington Street and Montgomery Avenue, grad, Street and Fountain Street style, Street and North 15th Street, North, 19th, Street and Burke Street and Bill number 230272 and started an ordinance establishing parking regulations in Embark regulations on both sides of North crawler Street between westerard Avenue and Poplar Street and Bill number two: three: zero: two: seven three and started an audience amending section: two of an ordinance bill: number: two: zero: zero: five: seven eight inside of an ordinance authorizing the revision of lines and grades in a portion of City plan number 46s by striking from the city city plan and vacating Penrose Ferry Road from Penrose Avenue to its Terminus northeasterly they're from by extending the period for compliance with the terms and conditions stated they're in and Bill number two three zero: two seven four entitled an ordinance establishing Park regulations in the vicinity of Commack Street and Johnston Street and Bill number two three zero: two: seven five and started an ordinance establishing a no truck parking delay; regulation in the vicinity of North, 51st Street and Brown Street and Bill number two: three: zero: three: zero six and taught in an ordinance authorizing the installation, ownership and maintenance of various encroachments in the vicinity of 3931 Walnut Street and Bill number two: three: zero: three: two: zero entitled an ordinance establishing a no truck parking regulation on the westwardly side of Belmont Avenue between Monument Road and Conshohocken Avenue and Bill number 230325 and started an ordinance authorizing encroachments in the nature of pedestrian light poles with accompanying LED luminaries and concrete planter boxes in the vicinity of 1325 North Beach Street and Bill number two: three: zero: three: two: six inside an ordinance authorizing Northern Liberties business improvement district to own operate and maintain certain lighting encroachments along the 400 and 500 bucks of 2nd Street and Bill number 230358 and started an ordinance.