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From YouTube: Generating Beautiful Documentation with Stephen Valdinger


Does this sound familiar? You love PowerShell because it's awesome and, with PowerShell, you can create automation to eliminate manual tasks. But... you don't love writing the documentation for your code....

Yeah, we hear you. Most people don't look forward to the documentation because it can be tedious. But what if you could AUTOMATE your documentation as well?

Join guest speaker Stephen Valdinger for a look at how you can add beautiful docs to your projects with automation. We'll look at a few simple things you can do right now to take your PowerShell documentation to the next level. By the end of this demo, you will see how easy it is to create your documentation on the fly!

Speaker Bio:
Stephen Valdinger aka Steviecoaster is a technical support engineer for Chocolatey. Stevie is one of those guys who just oozes code from his pores. He automates almost everything he works on. Stevie is a huge fan of open source and an active contributor to the PowerShell community.

About the Research Triangle PowerShell User group (RTPSUG):
The Research Triangle PowerShell Users Group (RTPSUG) is the largest PowerShell group in the world! We meet twice a month to discuss all topics related to PowerShell and automation. Our topics cover beginner to advanced concepts and offer people a chance to learn new skills and ask questions. Our mission is to create a space for all attendees to feel welcome, ask questions, and be part of a community.

For more information on our group, please visit any of following links: