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From YouTube: ScriptRunner Making PowerShell a Real Solution in 5 Steps with Heiko Brenn


We all love PowerShell because it’s an outstanding framework for automating recurring tasks. But there some aspects of PowerShell automation that are a challenge to work around.

For example, wouldn’t it be great if you could take your code and delegate the script execution to help desk teams and end users in a secure, straightforward way? That’s where ScriptRunner can step in and make your life easier!

Join our speaker, Heiko Brenn, for a look at the how ScriptRunner can simplify the way you develop, manage and delegate PowerShell scripts for Active Directory, Exchange, Office 365, Azure and others.

Heiko is a product expert at ScriptRunner, longtime PowerShell enthusiast who has over 25 years’ experience as a sysadmin, consultant and product manager. You can also catch Heiko playing drums at the ScriptRunner offices from time to time!

Join Heiko for a look at how ScriptRunner can help you simplify the management of 5 key areas that often a challenge for many admins:

- Centralizing your PowerShell scripts
- Manage credentials and permissions management, including password server support
- Automatically create web GUI’s and portal widgets
- Monitor PowerShell activities with a central dashboard
- Delegating script execution to helpdesk teams and end users

About the Research Triangle PowerShell User group (RTPSUG):
The Research Triangle PowerShell Users Group (RTPSUG) is the largest PowerShell group in the world! We meet twice a month to discuss all topics related to PowerShell and automation. Our topics cover beginner to advanced concepts and offer people a chance to learn new skills and ask questions. Our mission is to create a space for all attendees to feel welcome and be part of a community.

For more information on our group, please visit any of following links: