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From YouTube: Improving the Shell Experience using PowerShell POSH with James Brundage


Learn how you can elevate your PowerShell experience with an innovative module called "POSH," which makes PowerShell more fun to work with through the use of color.

Meeting Description:
POSH is a new module built by James Brundage. It brings smart color formatting to areas of your PowerShell console in ways that you haven't seen before.

Commands like Get-Member and Get-Command present data differently when the important aspects are thoughtfully highlighted with color. Imagine how much easier XML is to read with subtle color enhancements. James has incorporated color into the console in ways that totally make sense and help with readability. Join us to see how this module can make your console prettier and easier to read.

Speaker Bio:
James Brundage is an extraordinary figure in the PowerShell community, an enigmatic talent with an impressive background as a former member of the esteemed PowerShell team at Microsoft. Actively engaged in the PowerShell community, his contributions have been nothing short of remarkable.

Throughout the years, he has amassed an extensive repository of innovative code, delving into unexplored territories and pioneering novel approaches with PowerShell. Demonstrating unparalleled speed and finesse, James crafts code at breakneck speeds, all while offering insightful ideas and thought-provoking opinions on every facet of code he encounters.