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From YouTube: Embedded cryptography: RustCrypto + Veriform


Historically cryptography in the embedded space has been a disaster, but with the growing pervasiveness of “IoT”, a topic of increasing importance. Rust provides a great language for building secure embedded applications, and with it a great platform for embedded cryptography.

This talk covers two cryptography projects written in pure Rust:

1. RustCrypto (“2.0”): a multi-crate “embedded-first” GitHub organization with trait-based implementations of several cryptographic algorithms including AEAD algorithms (AES-GCM, ChaCha20Poly1305), digest algorithms (SHA-2, SHA-3, BLAKE2), elliptic curves (NIST P-256, secp256k1), MACs (CMAC, HMAC), and signature algorithms (ECDSA, Ed25519)

2. Veriform: cryptographically verifiable and canonicalized message format similar to Protocol Buffers, with an “embedded-first” (heapless) implementation suitable for certificates or other signed objects

Recorded at Oxidize Global 2020