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From YouTube: RustFest Zürich 2017 - Tokio: How we hit 88mph by Alex Crichton


Async I/O has forever been a hot topic of discussion in Rust, but over the past year we’ve seen some significant advances in this domain with the futures crate an the Tokio project. We’ll start off by taking a look at where we are today with the async I/O ecosystem in Rust, highlighting a number of the features we’ve added in both the libraries and the language over the past year. We’ll then take a deep dive into Tokio itself, seeing how it capitalizes on some of Rust’s greatest strengths by going Back to Futures and gets our DeLorean up to 88mph.

About Alex Crichton:
Alex is a member of the Rust Core Team who has worked at Mozilla on Rust for the past four years. He is also a member of the Tokio Core Team, one of the primary authors of Cargo, helps maintain the standard library, and likes to ensure that engine of Rust never stops.