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From YouTube: RustFest Zürich 2017 - Testing strategies and pattern for efficient TDD in Rust by Thomas Wickham


Test-Driven Development is a systematic method to develop robust and self-documented software by incremental steps. To TDD in Rust, there will be 2 great obstacles. First, testing infrastructure will be harder to build as Rust lacks reflection, introspection, and casting. Furthermore it is known for its compiler strictness, making incremental development harder. This talk is aimed at applying the TDD method successfully. We will see the methodology by the book, some pitfalls, and how to avoid them with some Rust patterns and strategies that will help you ship at all time with great confidence.

About Thomas Wickham:
Hey I’m Thomas, consultant by day, and open-source coder by night. I work at OCTO Technology, a consulting firm specialized in Agile development and Software Craftmanship. I am passionate about empowering people in their daily lives and helping them undertaking their Why.