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From YouTube: SJAA Imaging 2 22 2023 Hy Murveit, What I learned in the past yea


Astro-processing: What I learned in the past year
Hy Murveit

In the past couple years we've had excellent talks to the SJAA SIG, and many were concerned with improving our techniques for process astro-images. There have also been significant advances in the software available to process those images. Because of all that (and the rain), I was inspired to review the past talks and reprocess many of my images. I found that, to my eye, I was able to significantly improve most of them, starting from the pre-processed images and scrapping most of the old work. In addition, the processing took me much less time than I had spent in the past (probably a couple hours per image), and produced less frustration as well.

In this talk I'll go over the basic workflow I used, heavily borrowing from recent talks. My images are almost all taken from my home in Silicon Valley, using 10-30 hours of mostly LRGB images, and mostly from a 10" reflector. I'll present the WBPP, synthetic L, blurX/noiseX/starX, GHS, Photoshop/Lightroom workflow I used, and show a few full images being processed.

A pretty complete before/after photo album demonstrating the improved images can be found at