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From YouTube: Government Management Committee - January 11, 2018


Government Management Committee, meeting 24, January 11, 2018
Agenda and background materials:

Meeting Navigation:
0:09:12 - Call to order

Agenda Items:
0:11:11 - GM24.1 - Consolidation of Text of the Toronto Civic Employees' Pension and Benefit Fund (Civic), the Metropolitan Toronto Pension Plan (Metro) and the Metropolitan Police Benefit Fund (Police) (Ward All)
0:14:48 - GM24.2 - The Feasibility of Developing a Canadian Content Policy for Toronto's Procurements in Compliance with Existing Trade Agreements (Ward All)
0:11:53 - GM24.3 - Implementation of the City's Enterprise Time, Attendance and Scheduling System within Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PF&R) and Toronto Paramedic Services (TPS) - Update (Ward All)
0:30:44 - GM24.4 - Future Options for City Operated Golf Courses (Ward 2, 10, 11, 16, 23, 25, 39) 
1:22:51 - GM24.5 - Renewal of Contract No. 47020391 to TBM Service Group (Ward All)
0:12:44 - GM24.6 - Grant of Easements to Toronto Hydro for Site-specific Services at nominal consideration, including Downsview Park and Finch West Stations (Ward All)
0:13:02 - GM24.7 - Acquisition of 126 Elmcrest Road for Parkland Purposes (Ward 3) 
0:13:19 - GM24.8 - Expropriation of Permanent and Temporary Easement, 500 Dawes Road (Ward 31) 
0:13:34 - GM24.9 - Expropriation of Permanent Easements at 685 Lansdowne Avenue, 699 Lansdowne Avenue and 478 St. Clarens Avenue (Ward 18) 
0:13:52 - GM24.10 - Expropriation of the Right of Way Easement Interest in favour of 40 Avondale Avenue over Parts of 44 Avondale Avenue (Ward 23) 
0:14:07 - GM24.11 - Expropriation of 3300 Kingston Road (Ward 36) 
0:14:18 - GM24.12 - Expropriation of Residential Condominium Units - 414 Dawes Road (Ward 31)
0:14:29 - GM24.13 - Professional Services for Uniface BV to Support the City's Toronto Maintenance Management System (Ward All)