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From YouTube: Government Management Committee - February 20, 2018


Government Management Committee, meeting 25, February 20, 2018
Agenda and background materials:

Meeting Navigation:
0:08:41 - Call to Order

Agenda Items:
0:15:34 - GM25.1 - (9:45 AM)  Apportionment of Property Taxes - February 20, 2018 Hearing (Ward All)
0:16:48 - GM25.2 - (9:45 AM)  Cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Property Taxes - February 20, 2018 Hearing (Ward All)
0:10:49 - GM25.3 - Provision of Proprietary Software, Support, and Professional Services from CSDC Systems Inc. (Ward All)
0:17:30 - GM25.4 - Purchasing By-law Amendments - Supplier Code of Conduct and Other Clarifications (Ward All)
0:12:13 - GM25.5 - Real Estate Acquisitions - TTC College Park Station Easier Access Project (Ward 27)
0:12:29 - GM25.6 - Termination of the Offer to Donate Land from Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries to the City of Toronto (Ward 23)
0:12:42 - GM25.7 - Real Estate Acquisitions - TTC Sherbourne Subway Station Easier Access Project - Expropriation of a Portion of the Property at 425 Bloor Street East (Ward 28) 
0:13:01 - GM25.8 - Acquisition of Portland Slip, Spadina Slip and Spadina Quay Marina (Ward 20)
0:23:42 - GM25.9 - Amendment to Blanket Contract No. 47020391 - to TBM Service Group Inc., for Custodial Services Various City Divisions (Ward All)
0:13:36 - GM25.10 - Union Station Revitalization Project - Contract Amendments (Ward 28) 
0:13:56 - GM25.11 - Redevelopment of St. Lawrence Market North - Construction Contract Award (Ward 28) 
0:14:12 - GM25.12 - Recognition of Civic Leadership - David Pecaut Square (Ward 20)
1:01:52 - GM25.13 - Enactment of By-laws