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From YouTube: Infrastructure and Environment Committee - October 17, 2019


Infrastructure and Environment Committee, meeting 8, October 17, 2019
Agenda and background materials:

Meeting Navigation:
0:10:20 - Call to order

Agenda Items:
0:11:33 - IE8.1 - Contract Award for Tender Call No. 34-2019 for the Rehabilitation of the Sunrise Storm Trunk Sewer and Bermondsey and Dorset Park Sanitary Trunk Sewers  (Ward 16, 19, 21)
0:11:53 - IE8.2 - Amendment to Contract No. 47020532 and 47020352 for the Provision of Professional Services for Biosolids Haulage and Beneficial Use  (Ward All)
0:12:10 - IE8.3 - Non-competitive Contract with Aclara Technologies LLC., for the supply of Proprietary Meter Reading Hardware, System Upgrade, and Annual Maintenance and Support  (Ward All)
0:12:33 - IE8.4 - Enwave Deep Lake Water Cooling - Proposed Heat Exchanger Amendment to the Energy Transfer Agreement  (Ward 10, 14)
1:48:40 - IE8.5 - Update on Flood Mitigation and Damage Repair for Toronto's Waterfront and Toronto Island Park  (Ward 3, 4, 10, 14, 19, 20)
0:15:42 - IE8.6 - Winter Maintenance Program Review  (Ward All)
2:24:57 - IE8.7 - Automated Vehicles Tactical Plan and Readiness 2022  (Ward All)
2:56:08 - IE8.8 - Update on Council Requested Road Safety Initiatives and Recommended Speed Limit Reductions  (Ward All)
0:13:45 - IE8.9 - Technical Amendments to Bicycle Lane Regulations  (Ward 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14)
0:14:22 - IE8.10 - Pedestrian Crossing - Moore Avenue at Beltline Trail  (Ward 11, 15)
3:04:08 - IE8.11 - yongeTOmorrow: Municipal Class Environmental Assessment on Yonge Street from Queen Street to College/Carlton Street - Interim Update  (Ward 10, 11, 13)