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From YouTube: TGI Kubernetes 155: Backstage


- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:03:20 - Week in Review
- 00:20:17 - Starting with backstage
- 00:30:41 - Getting node env set up
- 00:32:20 - Creating the backstage app
- 00:35:54 - Exploring app structure
- 00:38:40 - Launching the app
- 00:46:38 - Configuring Auth
- 00:59:16 - Thinking about confused deputies
- 01:04:34 - Starting to explore catalog w/ Kubernetes
- 01:41:33 - Create new component from template
- 01:53:38 - Summing up

The live chat replay got cut disabled somehow! Sorry about that!

Full notes at

Come hang out with Joe Beda (@jbeda) as he explores something new in the Kubernetes ecosystem. Hang out as we explore something NEW for the first time.

This week we will be looking at Backstage! (