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From YouTube: TGI Kubernetes 156: Exploring upstream k8s containers and OS images w/ multi-arch


Join jay as we go through how upstream Kubernetes builds both container and OS images across the project. This includes recent work to address multi-arch scenarios.

00:03:00 - audio check
00:05:00 - Week in review
00:10:00 - Intro to multi OS containers, pause image, agnhost on kubernetes
00:21:00 - Dockerfile for windows
00:30:00 - peri's blog post on buildx
00:38:00 - speaking of manifest
00:35:00 - deep dive into OCI and umoci
00:45:00 - intro to OVAs on windows, VHDs, cluster api image-builder
01:00:00 - nssm, systemctl, windows, linux
01:25:00 - ricardo sais.... Freebsd on k8s ?