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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting/Open Discussion - March 3, 2020


March 03, 2020

Status Updates
shipped v1.3.0!
GitHub release
blog post
getting go 1.14/modules PR ready (
working on moving code out of controllers, into packages – starting with backup & restore
more PRs to come
will finalize refactoring of restore/discovery code (
On community support this week
Worked through my review backlog yesterday
Reviewed Xing Yang’s ExecutionHook KEP upstream
Going to pick up some CSI work this afternoon - namely syncing VolumeSnapshots & VolumeSnapshotContents into object storage so we can use it in client commands and syncing them into clusters
Will be on Bret Fisher’s YouTube show talking about Velero on 4/30.
Was on community support last week.
Discovered a missing feature of importing snapshots with the csi-hostpath-plugin and implemented that in this PR Discover existing snapshots on disk int he csi-hostpathplugin repo.
Making progress on the CSI integration work.
CSI blogpost that I wanted to put together already exists at here
(carlisia’s on PTO)
[jonas] Finishing up the plugins page

Discussion Topics
[nolan] Backlog grooming
Michael has asked us to review our “Unprioritized backlog” in ZenHub and form a rough roadmap for 1.5 and beyond
Tag @skriss and/or Michael for any issues you’d like us to take a look at in the next 6-9 months

Contributor Shoutouts
Helm/Velero chart: