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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting/Open Discussion - March 10, 2020


March 10, 2020

Status Updates
CSI Integration
Use Velero to backup and restore using the v1beta1 Snapshot APIs
Backup and restores- in-cluster restores and cluster migration. Live demo of this later.
Created some issues:
Upstream external snapshotter:
VolumeSnapshotRef.UID should be cleared on volumesnapshot deletion
Relation between VolumeSnapshotContent and VolumeSnapshot should be 1:many
Lifecycle of VolumeSnapshot Kubernetes objects should be decoupled from that in the storage system
Ensure restored workloads can be backed up
Ensure backup and restore of volumesnapshots created outside of velero work
Repeated backup of the same CSI workload should not leave orphan resources
I’ll add more details into the issues in the Velero repo.
See our progress in the velero-plugin-for-csi repo and feel free to jump in and contribute.
Was out last week
On support rotation this week
Catching up on PR reviews
Pushed an update to the CLI PR containing yaml and kustomize files that properly create/update a velero deployment (
Plugins page is live!
PR #2232, fixing CRD int/float conversions on backup.
Thank you to guyguy333 and NissesSenap for the reports, data, and testing!
Tracked down nodePort validation error (issue #2308), will require some more thinking
Started working on uploading CSI artifacts to object storage
Need to review Unprioritized backlog to help build roadmap, missed that last week
finalized refactoring of restore/discovery code (
working on refactoring to move logic out of controllers
worked on implementing blob chunking in azure plugin:
lots of reviews

Discussion Topics
v1.3.1 patch release
nrb and skriss will try to get v1.3.1 out today
Important for users of v1.3.1 to upgrade, but it’s largely based on what CRDs users have; if there are numeric fields, they will see this bug
Update from Dylan Murray - actively working on before tackling client & install issues

Contributor Shoutouts
guyguy333 and NissesSenap for reports, data, and testing for issue 2319/PR 2322
betta1 for the detailed reproduction case on issue 2308