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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting/Open Discussion - July 28, 2020


July 28, 2020

Status Updates
Community support this week
PTO next week
Bringing the Helm repo up to date with v1.4 + more Velero Helm TLC
Continue work on the ServerStatusRequest migration to kubebuilder
Restore hooks:
Adding constants PR#2750
Updating RestoreSpec PR#2761
Backing up pod volumes using restic by default:
PR 2611
Excluding volumes mounting secrets and config maps
Opening Issue 2770. Support for label selector to choose pods to which the defaultVolumesToRestic should be applied. :thumbsdown: / :thumbsup: in the issue
PR reviews
Working on some CI improvements around assignment/reviewers, but ran into issues with how GitHub Actions expose secrets
PR reviews
Intending to get DeleteItemAction design doc updated today or tomorrow
Was on community support last week

Discussion Topics
Welcome JenTing Hsiao ( as an official maintainer of the Velero Helm chart!
Let us know what parts of the Velero API you use -

Contributor Shoutouts
@areed: Add hooks fields to restore context
@thejasbabu: Add Start and Completion Timestamp to Restore Status
Helm Chart
@jenting: fix: helm upgrade did not work correctly on BSL and VSL configuration
@jenting: helm 2,3 CI test + Upgrade CRDs to v1.4
@MrFreezeex: Fix Helm 2 CRD generation
@cesarokuti: add schedule labels
@tomahawk28: Helm 2,3 supports CRD at the same time
@ckotzbauer: add affinity option to velero deployment