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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting / Open Discussion - August 4, 2020


August 4, 2020

Status Updates
Community support this week
Have a list of PRs to review
New issues that need triage
Working on restore hooks
PR 2787 to implement the init container restore hooks.
Need to run this through tests before removing WIP.
Out sick late last week
Working on DeleteItemAction design. Please take a look!
Investigating options on project management and release cadence to get issues handled more quickly, as well as get fixes out more regularly.
Working on migrating ServerStatusRequest to kubebuilder

Discussion Topics
Let us know what Velero code you depend on
Andrew Reed - need any help with exec restore hook?
How do we mitigate people being on PTO? Slackening the reviewer constaints?
Storj persistent volume support
Goal: back up any Kubernetes PV to Storj object store
rclone/restic support?
treating volume as a block device?
vSphere plugin currently has a data mover - has a data mover too
Let’s start a thread on the Google Group

Contributor Shoutouts
@jenting: Add a flag cacert for velero backup-location create
@jenting: fix: helm upgrade did not work correctly on BSL and VSL configuration
@MrFreezeex: Fix Helm 2 CRD generation
@alikhtag: [impovement] Add podLabels to the helm chart
@kyounger: fix: Restic daemonset SA always set, like velero deployment
@fredgate: Add log configuration to Restic
@cesarokuti: add schedule labels
@ckotzbauer: add affinity option to velero deployment