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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting/Open Discussion - July 7, 2020


July 7, 2020

Status Updates
Community support last week, still playing catch up on GH issues though
Review blitz yesterday, but did not get them all
End in sight for our internal build process work, hope to give more time to this open source work!
Restore hooks meeting yesterday, thanks everyone for attending!
BSL controller PR:
Worked on adding the BSL validation as webhooks; talked to @nrb and decided we won’t do it
Did and doing PR reviews
Finished reviewing the volume backup/restore progress design doc
Next: converting ServerStatusRequest to controller-runtime
Community support this week:
PR to fix a CRD backup regression in 1.4. PR Issue
Tested against "v1.16.9" "v1.17.0" "v1.18.4"
Will be included in the release for 1.4.1
Working on internal build setup. Should mostly be done, need a few finishing touches
PR to fix the file permissions on the manifests in the backup tarball.
0755 to 0644
PR 2685

Discussion topics
Phuong Demo of Resource ordering
nrb: master branch will be changing to main. We need to work on making sure docs redirects will work, but it looks like in-flight PRs will not be redirected unless GitHub introduces some sort of PR redirection feature. is tracking that work.
vitta: PR 2543

Contributor Shoutouts
@danielthrasher: updated acceptable values on cron schedule for day of the week from 0-7 to 0-6
@mauilion & team: Builder Image handling
@tbatard & team: Add linters
Everyone who attended the restore hooks meeting yesterday!