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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting/Open Discussion - June 9, 2020


June 9, 2020

Status Updates

Allowing all pod volumes to be backed up using restic by default, without requiring annotation on the pod. PR 2611
Exclude: host path volumes, volumes mounting default service account tokens and volumes excluded through “exclude” annotation
Review and discussion of the volume snapshot progress proposal
Focussing on internal build setup.
on community support this week
updating & testing a community-contributed PR to support aad-pod-identity for Azure (, (thanks @gitirabassi for the code!)
log a warning instead of an error if an additional item doesn’t exist during backup (
More reviewing on reporting progress on volume snapshotting
Plan to follow up on KubeBuilder PR review this week
Also want to follow up on the restore hooks PR
Can other maintainers look at the tagging scripts PR?
Been doing work on some internal projects the last week
BSL resource conversion to kubebuilder PR is ready for review:
Wrapping up new BSL controller, just need to add tests

Discussion Topics

Thanks to maintainers for review comments on this PR Would like to discuss on next step and pending items from me related to this PR.
steve: finalize naming & CR lifecycle (who creates?)
We would like to propose a change to allow caller to specify an order to backup items of the same type. More generic than which only for PVC.
In backup spec, have a map of type to strings of specific names (e.g. PVC - names of PVCs)
Next step - submit a design doc PR based on
steve: restore hooks design PR
@marccampbell will you be able to address open comments/questions?
Contributor Shoutouts
@cblecker - when creating a backup from a schedule, allow a default name (
@vitta - Thanks for being super responsive on PR 2543!