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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting/Open Discussion - June 16, 2020


June 16, 2020

Status Updates
community support & reviews
Mostly focused on internal build tooling last week
Intending to catch up on community review this week
Focussing on internal build setup
Finishing up on PR 2611
community support this week
wip: add kubebuilder/controller-runtime -
wip: add BSL controller w/ controller-runtime -

Discussion Topics
[nrb] Deletion plugins?
Would we want to take this opportunity to also do pre-backup plugins to? I don’t have a use case right now, more asking because it’s an opportunity to do so
Next steps: Design doc
Use labels, not configmap
[nrb] Restore hooks design should be close to merging. Maintainers, please take another pass!
[duffie] Linters for Velero, possibly also image handling
[Vishnu] Restic snapshot specific differential size and
Problem: How much object storage did a given backup consume?
Is there a way to know differential size from the previous snapshot?
This would help to prune object storage
Restic does deduplication; if I have 10 backups and I delete backup 6, how much do I get back?
Could we add a field to progress to tell report this?
Restic’s format design documents:
[tony] Update to Jekyll 4.1.0,