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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting / Open Discussion - Feb 23, 2021


Feb 23, 2021
Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Multiple credentials support
BSL support in PR 3442
Restic support in draft PR 3489
Plugin support for AWS, Azure, GCP
Currently running tests and need to write docs
Added fix for restic restores when using namespace mapping: PR 3475
Released Azure plugin v1.1.2
Addressed code reviews for the DownloadRequest controller -
Looking at an issue with a capi cluster
PR reviews
Reviewing blockers for v1.6.0
Continuing to refine roadmap out to v1.9+
Testing an update to restic v0.12.0
Working on road map
Open review/discussion for Upload Progress monitoring design doc
Zoom - Feb 25, 2021 9:00 AM Pacific -
Finishing up plumbing work for Velero e2e tests on internal platform.

Discussion Topics

Any rotating topics we want to add here?
What was the outcome/progress from last week’s discussion topics?
nrb: Started a design proposal for a backup manifest data structure
@codegold79 / @brito-rafa: Findings for what happens when a resource is in multiple API groups when processed by a custom plugin. Related issue:
Plugin authors should specify fully qualified names in the ResourceSelector type
Action: Document ResourceSelector type
Action: Resources that have multiple views with shared UUIDs - define how to handle these properly on restore
Example: Deployments which move versions from v1.15 - v1.16
Example: v1beta1 - v1 introduced different fields, but the object was the same one
dave: Using an outbound proxy - Any experience from the group on best practices?

Contributor Shoutouts

@MadhavJivrajani: added documentation for how velero handles encryption
@aslafy-z: fix typo in item_hook_handler
@aristosvo: Security configuration Azure Storage Account with AKS