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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting / Open Discussion - Feb 9


Feb 9, 2021
Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Helping implement credential support on volume snapshot locations
Opened a PR to close issues if they’re stale. (PRs will not be closed as stale)
Opened a PR for labeling issues and adding a PR template
Working with Dave to solidify a roadmap for the next few versions
Reviews of items defined as release blockers.
This list is incomplete, but these are the PRs we’re prioritizing
Aim to get a pre-release of v1.6.0 out by end of February
Playing with “crashd” to get info about a Velero install within a cluster.
Getting some sort of bundling would be helpful so we can put the Velero crashd scripts in our repo.
Would be part of a solution to velero debug or something similar

Working on multiple credential support
Blocked on #3190 and #3409 (working off these branches locally)
Will push branches for support in BSLs and VSLs once the above are merged
Work on restic support is still ongoing

Updated DownloadRequest PR, ready for review
Wrapping up addressing reviews for the BSL credentials field PR
Next: review PRs related to the multiple credentials change
After: PR review of the e2e tests

Community support last week
Upload progress design doc -
Will schedule community design review on upload progress
E2E tests running automatically
Discussion Topics
shawn-hurley (Shawn Hurley)/dave (Dave Smith-Uchida) - Have the Velero CLI use the active namespace in the current context (
This has links to multitenancy design - if Velero watches for backups & restores in different namespaces, this becomes important
Nolan owes architecture diagrams
Rahul Rathi - Ways to capture the volume size corresponding to every snapshot contained in a backup
Currently there is no place where Velero captures the snapshot sizes
Can the velero VolumeSnapshotter API add a way to report the size of the snapshot and the size of the volume?
Dave - snapshots could have dependencies
This is why there’s a request for the original volume size
Does the CSI API expose this?
There’s a restoreSize field there
We’d need to add another field on the CSI objects, which is viable
How would this work with restic
Could use PV’s size to start with
Also helps on restore
Dave - Can we get use cases?
May need a dry run
Give users an idea of how much data is going to be restored?
This would be hard to use across clouds
Requirements in priority
Volume size (in Velero and CSI API)
The VolumeSnapshotters are eventually going to be deprecated, so we’ll need to make sure it gets into CSI
CSI and vSphere snapshots are a different path - they’re BackupItemActions
We have the PV YAML in the backup, and can scrape it
Can we get a design doc?
Frankie (codegold79)/Rafael (brito-rafa) - Update on PR #3133 (Enable API Groups Feature)
Contributor Shoutouts
@a-mccarthy: remove FAQ pages
@mike1808: Add colors to describe command
@shellwedance: Modify InitContainer checking function that potentially incurs error
@aslafy-z: [velero] feat: allow servicemonitor to be deployed in another namespace