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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting/Open Discussion - March 17, 2020


March 17, 2020

Status Updates
More CSI work and getting couple of test and cleanup PRs merged.
Preparing for a talk on Velero with Nolan
Brought up issues from last week in upstream volumesnapshot working group meeting. More discussions will happen on these.
VolumeSnapshotRef.UID should be cleared on volumesnapshot deletion
More discussions on this in the data protection working group
Relation between VolumeSnapshotContent and VolumeSnapshot should be 1:many
Effectively won’t fix as there are reasonable workarounds
Lifecycle of VolumeSnapshot Kubernetes objects should be decoupled from that in the storage system
More discussions on this will happen in the issue.
shipped v1.3.1
finalized Azure blob chunking code
starting to look at two-stage snapshot/backup issue again (
CLI PR good to review: (look at the TODO list, working on the last 2 items)
Prepping talk with Ashish
More work on for uploading CSI resources to object storage
Allows us to show these snapshots in the client output & do imports w/ the backups if we need
Discussions w/ Ashish on the snapshot issues he mentioned
new labels for the backups #2342

Discussion Topics
[steve] add plugins/ top-level dir to backup storage locations to allow plugins to write arbitrary data to bucket –
[Mayank] restoreItemAction plugin to clear/update ‘selected-node’ in PVC, which are created by scheduler for dynamic provisioning. Code
[Antony] How can we control ordering of resource backups and restores?
We don’t currently have the mechanisms to do this in Velero
StatefulSets don’t have proper support; we need to special case them, but it’s not a generalized solution
Antony to file an issue and we can brainstorm solutions
[Sam Lucidi] Custom CA support
Working on how to get certificate bundle on the pods
Both plugins and restic need access to it, but have slightly different paths to that data.