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From YouTube: Velero Office Hours - Sept 24, 2020


The very first ever Velero Office Hours!


Sept 24
What is Velero

A tool to safely backup, recover and migrate applications running in kubernetes along with their persistent volumes.
This is a solution purpose built for Kubernetes using Kubernetes Constructs.
How does Velero run backups and restores? What happens under the covers?

There are two components to Velero:
CLI client
Server running as a pod in kubernetes
The client and the server components don’t interact with each other over network connection, but use the Kubernetes Custom Resource Definiton construct to communicate.
The client creates the CRD API objects which the server pod which runns a reconciliation loop for these CRD types watches and reconciles the objects. For example, if a Backup object is created, the server, in the processss of reconciliation will perform the backup operation.
Some of the other CRDs are: Backup, Restore, Schedules, BackupStorageLocation, etc…
Refer to our API types docs for more information
Reference for more details: How Velero Works?
What’s the difference between a PV backup and a restic backup?

Backup of applications using persistent volumes will include volume backups as well.
Velero can perform volume snapshotting operations native to the volume provider using VolumeSnapshotter plugins specific to the volume provider. For cases where, a Velero VolumeSnapshotter plugin doesn’t exist for a volume provider or if the volume provider doesn’t support snapshotting operations Velero’s Restic integration can be used.
Restic Integration:
Restic is a 3rd party tool that Velero integrates with to perform filesystem level backups of persistent volumes.
Velero handles installation and setup of restic as part of Velero installation.
Refer to our restic integration docs for more information.
References and resources on some of the topics that were covered:

Velero website
Velero API typpes
Backup Hooks for quiescing and unquiescing applications before and after backup.
Restore Hooks to customize application restores to perform any necessary setup before the restored application pods can run.