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From YouTube: DXgov Weekly Gathering [2022-01-26]


Governance Discussion, January 26th

Meeting date: Wednesday, January 26, 2022
UTC Time: 16:00
Meeting link:

DXD Buyback Extension #5 (Signal and Transfer Proposal)
Proposal to sends 790 DXD to the Dev Multi-Sig to be deposited into the Hats Finance - DXdao vault
Transfer 415 ETH to xDXdao for Swapr Deposits on Gnosis Chain
Transfer $1.15m DAI to xDXdao for Swapr Deposits on Gnosis Chain
Proposal for reimbursing funds accidentally sent to DXD smart contract

Gnosis Chain
Rep Boosts
Buyback 114, 115, 116
Register QuickWalletScheme v1.1 without doAvatarGenericCalls 1
Madusha - Contributor Proposal [01/01/2022 - 01/03/2022] - First Half
Keenan Luke Contributor Proposal for 11/2021 to 01/2022 2/2
0xKLOM.eth Contributor Proposal for 01/2022 to 03/2022 1/2 2
DXD Member Balancer for 1Hive Trivia Awards

No proposals live