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From YouTube: System Administration Special Interest Group - 11/9/21


Chat logs -

00:09:52 Lisette Scheer:
00:40:36 Lisette Scheer: SELECT tobranch AS "Send item to", items.location, items.itemcallnumber, biblio.title,barcode,homebranch, holdingbranch, daterequested, stockrotationrotas.title AS "Stock rotation rota",branchcode_id AS "Stock rotation stage", items.datelastseenFROM branchtransfersJOIN items USING (itemnumber)JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber)LEFT JOIN stockrotationitems ON items.itemnumber=itemnumber_idLEFT JOIN stockrotationstages USING (stage_id)LEFT JOIN stockrotationrotas USING (rota_id)LEFT JOIN reserves ON items.itemnumber=reserves.itemnumberWHERE datearrived IS NULL AND frombranch=BRANCHCODE AND ((branchtransfers.reason="StockrotationRepatriation") OR (branchtransfers.reason="StockrotationAdvance")) AND items.onloan IS NULL and items.itemlost='0' and items.damaged ='0' AND datesent IS NULL AND reserves.waitingdate IS NULL AND holdingbranch=BRANCHCODE AND homebranch != holdingbranchGROUP BY items.barcodeORDER BY items.itemcallnumber