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From YouTube: PnP Webcast - Introduction to Microsoft Graph .NET SDK


In this PnP Web Cast we concentrated on Microsoft Graph or more specifically covering how the .NET SDK for Microsoft Graph can be used in your customizations. .NET SDK for Microsoft Graph is great tool for simplifying the development experience when you take advance of Graph APIs. It provides easy to use and fluent access on information exposed within the Microsoft Graph APIs.

Presentation covers following topics:
- Introduction to Microsoft Graph API
- Introduction to .NET SDK for Microsoft Graph
- Insights on request model, query model, resource management and for exception handling

This web cast included three specific demos
- Playing with the Microsoft Graph API - Graph explorer and available resources
- "Hello world" with Microsoft Graph .NET SDK
- Request and Query model for with .NET SDK

Sample used in the web cast is available from the Office 365 Dev Patterns and Practices code gallery at

Web cast presenters: Paolo Pialorsi, Vesa Juvonen

Paolo works in and is one of the external members in the SharePoint / Office 365 Dev PnP Core team.

Presentation used in this web cast is available from

Additional resources

- Microsoft Graph documentation - Official landing page of - Microsoft Graph -
Graph Explorer - Great tool for seeing the API in practice -
- Microsoft Graph GitHub organization - GitHub location for Graph related information -
- Microsoft Client Library (SDK) for .NET - .NET SDK for Microsoft Graph -
- Microsoft Graph SDK Code Generator - Tool used to update SDK code as needed with updates in the grap metadata API -
- Office 365 Dev PnP Sample on .NET SDK usage -

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