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From YouTube: 2022-04-26 - Juan Pablo Dorsch - FirecREST, RESTful HPC


NERSC Data Seminars Series:


Juan Pablo Dorsch, HPC Software Engineer & Lead for the Innovative Resource Access Methods, CSCS Swiss National Supercomputing Center

FirecREST is a RESTful API to HPC that empowers scientific communities to access compute and data HPC services and infrastructure through a web interface. This API supports and enhances the development of scientific portals that allow web developers and HPC users to adapt their workflows in a more flexible, secure, automated, and standardized way. In this talk, we will present FirecREST and provide an introduction to its capabilities.

Juan Pablo Dorsch is a software engineer and lead for the Innovative Resource Access Methods at the CSCS Swiss National Supercomputing Centre. His areas of expertise include microservice architecture design, IAM, web development and RESTful services. Before joining CSCS, Juan held the position of HPC engineer with the Computational Methods Research Centre (CIMEC), and the position of scientific software developer with the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE). He was also previously a degree professor at the National University (UNL) of Littoral in Santa Fe, Argentina. He holds a degree in Informatics Engineering with an emphasis on scientific applications from UNL.

Host of Seminar:
Jonathan Skone, Advanced Technologies Group
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory