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From YouTube: 2022-04-19 - Huang, Gu - Discovering and Modeling Strong Gravitational Lenses at NERSC


NERSC Data Seminars Series:

Discovering and Modeling Strong Gravitational Lenses with Cori and Perlmutter at NERSC

Xiaosheng Huang, USF
Andi Gu, UCB

We have discovered over 1500 new strong lens candidates in the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Legacy Imaging Surveys with residual neural networks using NERSC resources. Follow-up observations are underway. Our Hubble Space Telescope program has confirmed all 51 observed candides. DESI observations have confirmed more systems spectroscopically. Preliminary results from our latest search will increase the number of lens candidates to over 3000. We have also developed GIGA-Lens: a gradient-informed, GPU-accelerated Bayesian framework, implemented in TensorFlow and JAX. All components of this framework (optimization, variational inference, HMC) take advantage of gradient information through autodiff and parallelization on GPUs. Running on one Perlmutter A100 GPU node, we achieve 1-2 orders of magnitude speedup compared to existing codes. The robustness, speed, and scalability offered by this framework make it possible to model the large number of strong lenses found in DESI, and O(10^5) lenses expected to be discovered in upcoming large-scale surveys, such as the LSST.

Xiaosheng Huang received his PhD from UC Berkeley and has been a faculty member in the Physics & Astronomy Department at the University of San Francisco since 2012. He works on problems in observational cosmology with collaborators in the Supernova Cosmology Project, the Nearby Supernova Factory, and the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument experiment, and of course, with students.

Andi Gu is a current senior at UC Berkeley. He has been working in the Supernova Cosmology Project and DESI since 2019, applying his computer science and physics background to gravitational lens detection and modeling.

Host of Seminar:
Steven Farrell
Data & Analytics Services Group
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory