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From YouTube: Career: You're more than just a scripter with Don Jones


Sadly, PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit 2020 had to be cancelled, keynote presenter Don Jones spent all that time working on his speech that it seemed a shame to waste it! So join in for... "You're More Than Just a Scripter!"

Learn how to take the tech skills you've already got and refocus those into a broader career perspective. Learn key bits of how to "talk like a businessperson," where today's IT job gaps are, and how to future-proof your career.

Don is one of the best and brightest speakers in the PowerShell community and has a long history of amazing projects. He's a 15 time Microsoft MVP and co-author of the "PowerShell in a Month of Lunches". He currently works as a vice president of PluralSight and always has his finger on the pulse of what's happening in IT.