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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting / Open Discussion - August 18, 2020


August 18, 2020

Status Updates

Mostly preparing for 1.5 release and addressing any outstanding items, doc fixes and PR reviews.
I owe @areed another round of review on the exec restore hooks PR. Going to do that today.
During investigation of Issue #2789 added some documentation to our wiki on setting up standalone MinIO object storage using custom ca cert and self-signed certificates with https to use with Velero

Worked on adding the DeleteItemActions plugin type in and
Looking to review release process w/ Abbie in light of the v1.5 beta release

On community support this week
Lots of PR reviews last week
wip (ServerStatusRequest to kubebuilder):

Discussion Topics
Phuong Hoang: avoid backup PersistentVolumes not referenced by included namespaces when enable --include-cluster-resources

Use --exclude-resources=persistentvolumes?
We still want to include the PersistentVolumes being used by PVCs belong to the namespace being backed up but not including other PersistentVolumes
Plugin additional items may ignore this, but we can’t remember
Also want to include other cluster-scoped resources like ClusterRoleBindings
Sounds like we want OR selector logic support
One idea - use --include-resources and specify exactly what you want
Limitation: you have to specify exactly what you want
Action item: Phuong will investigate a proposal to enhance item selection.

Velero 1.6 release planning (starting around v1.5 beta release)
We’ll share this around Sept 1 in ZenHub & GitHub
Will update, too
Between now and then, please :+1: any issues that you’re interested in seeing in the v1.6 release
Let us know what Velero code you depend on

Ashish: Velero Office Hours are coming, exact dates & times to be announced

Contributor Shoutouts
@a-mccarthy: add note about windows support
@runzexia: add kindfor func to get apiresource from gvk
@jenting: [velero] bump velero version to v1.4.2
@jenting: fix: pull request template not working
@cpanato: Update GH-pages branch
@cpanato: actions: update helm actions to use release 1.0.0
@jenting: Add Github issue template
@jenting: fix: custom CA not working