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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting / Open Discussion - August 11, 2020


August 11, 2020

Status Updates
PTO last week
Reviewing PRs
Back to the last of migrating ServerStatusRequest to kubebuilder
Community support last week
Got to a bunch of PRs and GH issues.
Restore Hooks:
PR for Init container restore hooks PR 2787
PR to fix API tyes PR 2793
Fix to pass the --default-volumes-to-restic flag from schedules to the backup options. PR 2776
Setup CRD validation CI in GitHub actions PR 2805
Currently setup to run against kubernetes version 1.16.9, 1.17.0 and 1.18.4
AI: Switch to latest of each minor release
Restructuring build broke the EntryPoint for the restic-restore helper. PR 2802
PRs in the CSI plugin repo:
Updating the CI in the repo to push images with latest tag. PR 65
Better handling of restore when VolumeSnapshot resources exist but the associated workloads got deleted PR 64
Community support this week
Working on DeleteItemAction implementation
Design doc
Trying to get GitHub Actions working to automatically assign reviewers on PRs when opened. (
Aiming to have a 1.5 beta out by August 21st at the latest.
We are aiming to have 1.6 release planning start following the 1.5 beta at the end of August
refer to our roadmap for items currently planned for December 2020 which corresponds with the 1.6 release
Velero security policy published

Discussion Topics
Introducing Bridget!
Let us know what Velero code you depend on
Velero-plugin-for-CSI PR 1902 KEP to add validation hooks on the VolumeSnapshot API objects.
Took a look at it and these don’t seem to violate our assumptions/expectations
Would love to have more 👀 on it
What versions of Kubernetes does Velero support?
Alay: Red Hat supports all the way back to Kube v1.7, will bump up to v1.9. Uses Velero v1.3

Contributor Shoutouts
@alexcpn: Update
@bgagnon: Always use groupResource.String() when logging (fixes #2795)
@doughepi: Add the ability to set the allowPrivilegeEscalation property on the Restic restore helper via plugin ConfigMap
@RobReus: Reverting change on 1.4 docs and re-applying to main docs
@skriss: update CI badge on README
@a-mccarthy: update docs to include cpu/memory defaults for restic
@mtritabaugh: Add resource filtering page
@RobReus: Refactor image builds to use buildx for multi arch image building
@cfreemoser: Fixed wrong environment variable in Readme
@sabvente: Remove extra indentation from README